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Would you like to order directly? We are looking forward to your call: +49 9371 940 0
JOSERA Betavit is a vitamin concentrate that helps you and your animals to achieve better fertility. It acts to compensate beta-carotene deficiency and supports the metabolism in the calf-reproduction phase with all-year silage and corn-heavy rations.
Maize silage, fodder beets, hay, soiled beet leaf silage, straw, grain, soya, canola meal and concentrated feed are low in beta-carotene. The beta-carotene content of grass silage is uncertain. A lack of beta-carotene is expressed by:
- Afterbirth retention
- Slow retraction of the uterus
- Silent heat
- Delayed ovulation
- Cysts
- Intrauterine death and abortion
- Calf mortality and diarrhoea
- Low milk fat content
- Low milk production
- Increased susceptibility to infections
Analytical components
crude protein | 13,50 % |
crude fat | 3,00 % |
crude fibre | 7,00 % |
crude ash | 20,00 % |
lysine | 0,75 % |
calcium | 2,00 % |
phosphorus | 0,50 % |
sodium | 2,00 % |
Your benefits at a glance:
- Improved fertility with:
- A clear heat
- Extended fertilisation ability
- A high fertilisation rate
- High-performance and robust animals
- Reduced young animal losses and diarrhoea due to better colostrum quality
- Dairy cows: 50 - 100g daily from 14 days before birth to about 8 weeks after successful breeding
- Mares: 100- 200g daily
In the months of January through May or from 4 weeks before foaling to about 10 weeks afterwards (100 days) - Breeding pigs: 60 - 80g daily from weaning to the breeding date
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