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JOSERA Leckstein Plus is a salt lick fortified with valuable trace elements in a handy block shape. The high quality rock and natural salt of the salt lick supplies your animals with important electrolytes in the form of sodium and chlorine.
Furthermore, the salt lick supplies your cattle with valuable zinc, cobalt, iodine, selenium and manganese. Thanks to excellent palatability and the optimum consistency, the salt lick stimulates salivation and therefore actively supports digestion.
The product has organics approval and can be used in ecological/organic production according to the regulations (EC) no. 834/2007 and (EC) no. 889/2008.
Net weight: 10 kg
Your benefits at a glance:
- Reliable uptake thanks to excellent palatability and optimum consistency
- Healthier animals, since licking stimulates salivation, buffers rumen contents and counteracts rumen hyperacidity
- Denser ecological/organic production, certified according to EU regulation
JOSERA Leckstein plus is suitable to supplement the ration in the feed trough or in the salt lick holder for cattle, horses, sheep, goats and game.
It can be made available to the animals free choice up to 1% of the daily ration.